Claire Wambui, a 14-year-old girl from Kenya, tells us the story of a mystical shrine with healing waters in Subukia, Kenya. Read her story in her own words below.
My name is Claire Wambui. I am from Kenya. The religious site I would like to speak about is Our Lady of Subukia Shrine, which is located in Subukia Town, 40km from Nakuru town in Kenya. This is about 211 kilometers from Nairobi City, which is the capital city of Kenya.
Subukia shrine is the village of Mary, mother of God. It’s a national Marian shrine, it’s a place of tranquility and the holy ground that reminds us that God is not far from humankind but right there with us, walking with us, helping us make the longest journey that we can ever make, the journey into ourselves, with such serenity that can only be inspired by motherly love of Mary, patron Saint of this shrine.
It’s a safe haven with a miraculous spring of water. Indeed, many people drink this water and carry it home. l, being one of them, have been testifying this miraculous power. The shrine’s vast compound reminds us of the vastness of God’s love. It has a prayerful environment and a serene nature that helps people meditate more on the Bible teaching. The serene nature helps you get peace of mind when having problems.
It is a place where all people of the world, all walks of life and denominations, are welcome to come and worship God. It has a grotto of Mother Mary where people pray and all their prayers intentions are answered.
It is important to protect it for future generations to also pray. Imagine if our grandparents did not protect this place, we would not be able to pray. It’s our duty to protect this place by planting trees and keeping the place clean so that future generations can also enjoy the serene environment.
I encourage people to respect other people’s places of worship to avoid religious conflicts. I encourage freedom of worship because it is important for all people to pray any time they want.

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