Carlos Fernández, a young multimedia professional working for UNAOC, joins the call to action #forSafeWorship by taking us on a fascinating tour of the oldest church in Lisbon, Portugal, the historic a Sé de Lisboa.

The church has survived multiple earthquakes since its completion in 1147. Restoration efforts have added styles from several historical periods, making Sé de Lisboa one of the world’s most architecturally eclectic.

“Protecting religious sites like this one is not only important for their incalculable historic and artistic value, but also for the services they offer their parishioners,” Carlos affirmed.

Join Carlos in touring a Sé de Lisboa and send us a video about your own personal connection to a place of worship.

Share Your Own Video

Share your story today and make your voice be heard! Shoot a short video (1 to 3 minutes) with your smartphone and tell us about your personal connection to a religious site (Why does it
matter to you? Why is it important to protect it?). Post it on social media and tag @forSafeWorship or submit it using the form below.

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In the body of your email, please write down your name and the title of the video.