Tomás Salvador Céspedes, a participant of the UNAOC Young Peacebuilders programme from Argentina🇦🇷, joins the call to action #forSafeWorship.

“Embracing diversity allows us to discover shared values and beliefs, reinforcing the idea that the quest for spiritual meaning is inherent in every human being. It is crucial to reject hatred and cultivate an atmosphere of mutual understanding and appreciation of each other’s differences,” he said.

Check out his message calling on more people to join the campaign.

Share Your Own Video

Share your story today and make your voice be heard! Shoot a short video (1 to 3 minutes) with your smartphone and tell us about your personal connection to a religious site (Why does it
matter to you? Why is it important to protect it?). Post it on social media and tag @forSafeWorship or submit it using the form below.

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In the body of your email, please write down your name and the title of the video.