In this short video, Mahesh Krishnan, an Environment Protection Activist, tells us about the Thiruvallam Sree Parasurama Swami Temple in the city of Thiruvananthapuram, one of the most ancient temples of South India. Dedicated to Lord Parasurama and located on the...
In this short video, Tushar Kanti Baidya tells us about a temple he likes to visit in Bangladesh. A UNAOC alumnus, Tushar is based in Dhaka, and works as an educator, peacebuilder, and human rights activist. He promotes global citizenship and religious literacy among...
In this short video, Gentry takes us to Kansas, right outside of Dodge City, to see the Coronado Cross. The site commemorates a mass held for the first time in this part of the country by Father Juan de Padilla in 1541, predating the landing of the Pilgrims by almost...
In this short video, Steve Leonard Harison talks to us about religious diversity in Indonesia and the importance of protecting religious sites worldwide. Share Your Own VideoShare your story today and make your voice be heard! Shoot a short video (1 to 3 minutes) with...
In this short film, Lydia Pesina tells us about the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle, in South Texas, a very special place in her life since childhood. The Basilica caters to a diverse population, including a large immigrant community,...