In the short film “Faith in London”, which won several partners awards as part of the 2011 PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival of UNAOC and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Tariq Chodhury, of the United Kingdom, shows us various religious sites in London,...
In this short video, Beatriz Serrano de Haro, from Spain, speaks about the importance of religious sites and faith in her life. By Beatriz Serrano de Haro Share Your Own VideoShare your story today and make your voice be heard! Shoot a short video (1 to 3 minutes)...
In this short video, Irene Lucini Serrano de Haro, an intern from Spain at the United Nations in New York, visits a catholic church in Manhattan and speaks about the experience. By Irene Lucini Serrano de Haro Share Your Own VideoShare your story today and make your...
In this short video, Syed Hussain Raza, of Pakistan, speaks about religious diversity and the need to celebrate one another’s traditions, religions, and faiths. Syed is a recipient of UNAOC and BMW Group’s 2019 Intercultural Innovation Award. By Syed Hussain Raza I...